Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

Speed Scrap #321

Wohoho... I did it!!! I woke up early, i joined the speed scrap #321 on STS forum!! It's so..exciting. Trust me.. you MUST join the next speed scrap.

Here's the instructions:

Step 1: Pick 1 picture
Step 2: You need 3 differnt papers for your background, but one of them needs to be used twice! So when you're done, it will look like there's 4 papers, but one of the 3 is just used twice.
Step 3: Use a different paper to mat your picture. Then use one more paper and create 2 cirlces (one a little smaller than the other) with it. Place them behind your pictures, wherever you want. On opposite sides, on top of each other...whatever you like!
Step 4: Place a circle frame around one of your paper circles (if you can't find a circle frame, you can use another paper to mat it, but a frame would be best!). Then pick a corner of your picture and cluster, cluster, cluster! Use at least 5 different elements!
Step 5: On a corner of your layout, create another cluster. Use at least 2 ribbons, a string (or something swirly) and at least 3 other elements.
Step 6: Create a title using 2 alphas or at least an alpha and a font.
Step 7: Add anything else you need to make your layout awesome, add those shadows, save and uplaod! Make sure you link back here in the forum to get credit, thanks for playing!!!

And here's my LO:
Used Snow Kissed Mini Kit by BCMD

I love the instruction, i love my LO. ya iyaa..lah... hehehehe....

Make sure you join the next speed scrap ya.... :')

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